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Small Business Awards

Our team at EZR Management was thrilled to be named a finalist in Memphis Business Journal’s 2024 Small Business Awards in the “medium companies” category, and we were honored to have the opportunity to network with other hardworking small businesses across the city during this process.

In honor of achieving our finalist status, Memphis Business Journal spoke with our owner, Ryan Edwards, and released a feature on our company. You can read the full article by clicking here or continue reading below.

What Does EZR Management Company Do?

EZR is a full-service property management company, serving residential and commercial property owners with a focus on managing homeowners’ associations (HOAs).

Why Was EZR Started?

After years working in the property management business, Ryan Edwards’ goal was to create a company that treats clients and their properties the way he would want to be treated.

How Has Business Been the Past Three Years?

EZR has nearly doubled both its clientele base and revenue. Managing around 40 clients in 2021, it now manages around 80 HOAs. In 2022, EZR acquired property management firm Wolf River Management. The company isn’t necessarily looking to be the biggest company – but the best. It leans into technology and the efficiency, accuracy and security it provides. For example, moving dues payments online and automating the process for customers paying via check has played a pivotal role in helping smaller management companies meet and exceed client expectations.

What Is the Company’s Outlook for the Next Few Years?

Smart growth is EZR’s objective. Looking at its key components – staffing, technology, location of current clientele, etc. — EZR will continue to examine the demands that these factors create and mitigate. As the company expands with new clientele, EZR can analyze those key components and avoid exhausting and over-utilizing its talent and resources.

To What Do You Attribute Your Company’s Success?

Customer satisfaction is EZR’s top priority, and its team works to achieve that satisfaction through consultation and collaboration. It has an open-door policy to create an environment where employees feel comfortable coming to leadership without fear of being judged or reprimanded. The same goes for clients. It’s not in the clients’ best interest for EZR to act as dictators – but rather as partners.

If this sounds like the type of property management company you want to work with, contact us today to learn more about how we can service your community.