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Your HOA board is likely made up of volunteers who are unable to dedicate all of their time solely to day-to-day operations of the association. Because of this, you need help from an outside party of experienced professionals – an HOA management company. If this is your first time hiring an HOA management company, here are a few of the essential traits and core qualities to look for in your search. Take it from the experts!

Client history

If you’re searching for an HOA management company that has a positive client history, look for ones that can provide client testimonials. This way, you can see what other boards are saying about their experience with the management company. Doing this type of research will help you determine the level of satisfaction and customer service the company is able to provide.

Quality of Services

When looking at the type of services an HOA management company provides, you will need to determine what is necessary for your community and evaluate your current (and future!) needs. Needs will vary depending on the size and location of your HOA, along with other factors. More common community needs include landscaping, collections/legal, security, plumbing, electrical and financial management.


Did you know that HOA management service companies can be located a significant distance away from the residential community or the HOA itself? At EZR, we service communities throughout the Mid-South, as well as surrounding areas in Northern Mississippi and Eastern Arkansas.


Communication is key when it comes to resident satisfaction, and knowing a management company’s communication style is extremely important before signing on with them. At EZR, there are two Cs that define the way we aim to communicate with HOAs – consultation and collaboration. A balance between these two concepts, especially when working with HOAs, drives our success. Our top priority when working with a new HOA board is to understand their residents’ desires, pain points, etc. From there, we consult with the board to offer recommendations on how to enhance resident communication and satisfaction. We then collaborate to ensure those projects come to fruition.


Long gone are the days of printed paper trails and physically handing in checks for dues payments. If you want your HOA to lean into modern practices to enhance community living and HOA management, adopting technology into your strategy is crucial. At EZR, we use a variety of digital platforms that provide convenient and accessible ways for residents to connect, get their questions answered and stay informed.

EZR Management embodies all of the traits and values we’ve outlined above and is prepared to provide this type of top-notch service to your community. If you’re interested in learning more about what we can do, contact us today!