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Woman smiling

Managing a HOA and its community can be a time-consuming and demanding task – without the proper tools and resources. That’s why at EZR Management, we lean into technology and the efficiency it provides to simplify financial management, record-keeping, connecting with residents and more. Technology can truly enhance community living and HOA management, which is why we invested in the creation of an EZR app. Download our app for these features (plus more!) at your fingertips.

View and update account information

When life happens and you have personal changes to your account, it can be easily done with a few simple clicks within the app.

Make online payments

Long gone are the days of mailed checks. All required payments can be done directly on your phone. With our app, you can even set recurring payments so it automatically makes the deposit on the due date, which helps cut down on late fees for residents.

Keep up with community news

You’ll never be in the dark when you download our app! You can stay on top of what’s happening in your community and will be notified of upcoming events and meetings.

Request services

On our app, you can request maintenance, reserve amenities, submit requests for architectural modifications and more.

View association documents

You don’t have to sift through emails to find invoices and documents. They’re all in one place on our app!

It’s that easy! At EZR Management, we meet homeowners where they are. Follow the below links to download the app to your smartphone today.